Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Supporting the Constitution...... not the Institution

I believe with all my heart in the Constitution of the United States. Sadly we have strayed from its simplicity and power to giving an institution that has become complex and power hungry. Our elected officials are out of balance. They have forgotten that we are a republic, not a people to be led by power greed and corruption.
They believe that they have superior intellect, and that we cannot make rational or intelligent choices, how wrong they are.
We can blame the politicians all we want. But we have to remember that we elected these men and women. We need to remember we have the power to put them there and we have the power to take them out. Whether that is on a local or national level.
Gone are the days of trust, respect, virtue, and integrity. At least is seems that way. Please remember that we are the people. We not only have the desire to return to goodness and living under the umbrella of the constitution and its ability to help us enjoy the liberty and justice for all, but also have the right and responsibility to preserve protect and defend the principles it espouses.

God Bless you all and God Bless the United States of America


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