This is the City..... well thats what Joe Friday would say at the beginning of the old police show dragnet. As I think about where we are today with our militarized police and with all of the thugs out there that want to make a name by being shot by the police, with the national controversy surrounding things like the senseless shooting/killing/murder (you can choose your own verb) of a Utah rancher in Oregon. Why can't we arm our police with a weapon designed to subdue with our harming or putting the officers involved in harms way. We arm them with guns, tasers, chemical sprays and so on but why not arm them with the same type of net guns that wildlife rangers and officers have used for decades.
The technology is there and it has proven to be very successful. I am sure that law enforcement could tweak and perfect it for their uses. it would eliminate the doubts, to the methods, and also to the volatile outcomes that come from hard to defend situations. I am not saying lets take guns away from them but lets give them another tool that is less volatile and still protects the individual and those charged with law enforcement. It would help restore trust that has been lost. When you are at a point that you see a video and can come up with conclusions for both sides it will aways create conspiracy, doubt and inevitably more situations.
I want to believe, but it is getting harder and harder when 30 -40 armed federal and state law enforcement agents see the only way out is to kill a man that may or may not have been reaching for a gun.
So why don't we use nets in our Dragnets?
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