With the horrific news from Connecticut, my heart aches and feel devastated. I can't imagine the pain and suffering that so many families are feeling at this time of year that is usually filled with joy and the anticipation of being with loved ones. There is a familiar song that is sung at this time of year, "let there be peace on earth" that is my prayer this year. I hope and pray that the Prince of Peace will pour out is comforting spirit to all that hurt, and to all mankind. It is always needed. May we remove the obstacles in our lives that prevent that peace from enveloping all of mankind. I pray for the day of his return. Let us remember him and seek him.
God bless everyone of you.
Friday, December 14, 2012
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Not too many things we hear or read about have much validity to them. I was blown away with the HCG diet drops. My wife was frustrated and getting very discouraged when it came to losing unwanted pounds. She had tried so many things that just didn't help. Almost out of desperation she tried the HCG drops. A 26 day regimen that has a low caloric intake and strict guidelines to adhere to. She started the process and had great success. she not only lost the weight but she had more energy, a better attitude toward life and was able to handle stressful situations much better. Who ever figured this formula out. Thank you! heres a link if you want more information on the HCG diet.
Friday, October 5, 2012
Oink .....what a sad way to go!
This is such a strange bizarre story. what a terrible way to go.
Authorities in Oregon are investigating how a hog farmer was eaten by his animals.
The remains of Terry Vance Garner, 70, were found in his hog enclosure Wednesday, according to local news reports Monday.
The farmer had gone to feed the hogs, some weighing as much as 700 pounds, about 7:30 a.m., according to a report from CNN affiliate KMTR. After Garner was not seen for several hours, a family member went to check on him and found his dentures in the hog pen. Other remains were found, but the hogs had eaten most of the farmer, according to the report.
The sheriff's department is looking into the death.
"Due to the unusual circumstances, the Sheriff's Office is investigating to determine if foul play may have resulted in the death of Mr. Garner," Coos County District Attorney Paul Frasier told CNN affiliate KVAL.
“For all we know, it was a horrific accident, but it’s so doggone weird that we have to look at all possibilities,” the Eugene Register-Guard quoted Frasier as saying.
Garner could have suffered a heart attack and fallen in the pen, or the hogs could have knocked him off his feet and then eaten him, Frasier told the newspaper.
The state of the remains made determining a cause of death difficult, according to the news reports. They had been sent to the University of Oregon and examined by a forensic anthropologist, the report said.
The farmer's brother, Michael Garner, told the Register-Guard that one of the sows had bitten the farmer last year after he accidentally stepped on a piglet.
“He said he was going to kill it, but when I asked him about it later, he said he had changed his mind,” Garner said.
Garner told the Register-Guard his brother was a Vietnam veteran who suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder. The farm was "a life-saver," he said.
“Those animals were his life,” Garner told the Register-Guard.
University of Utah - BYU rivalry officially over???? I sure hope so.
Is the rivalry of the BYU - Utah Sports over? probably not. But for me I hope some of the rhetoric, hate mongering and stupidity of fans on both sides will curtail. I live in the great State of Utah. There are undoubtedly some of the best people in the world here.
Traditionally I cheer for both teams, especially when they are not playing one another. My best scenario used to be that I would hope these two teams would dominate the conference, end up one and two or tied for the conference championship. I also split my favorites for example most of the time I root for University of Utah basketball and BYU football, although the past few years the U hasn't given me much to cheer for. But the sad fact is, the past few years I haven't followed either team that closely. Why.... its because of the fans. These usually normal people become so polar in their views that it just isn't worth the frustration, at least to me, to pay much attention. May be i'm getting older, but it seems that life is just too short to hold such venom for something that is... well....entertainment. What used to be fun becomes a point of contention, a point of one up manship. Get over it, I know I'm trying to.
The bottom line is that both of these are great organizations. I think theres always room for good things in the world. You don't have to hate one because you like the other. Please, just for this old man be a little more respectful to each other. Now that BYU is independent and the U is PAC 12 cheer for them both. They both put the state of Utah on the map. On the rare occasions that schedules allow them to compete on the field or court cheer for your favorite. Just remember that world peace, economic stability and the survival of mankind are not on the line. Who knows you may even find a meaningful friendship with a Ute or Cougar..
Is the rivalry of the BYU - Utah Sports over? probably not. But for me I hope some of the rhetoric, hate mongering and stupidity of fans on both sides will curtail. I live in the great State of Utah. There are undoubtedly some of the best people in the world here.
Traditionally I cheer for both teams, especially when they are not playing one another. My best scenario used to be that I would hope these two teams would dominate the conference, end up one and two or tied for the conference championship. I also split my favorites for example most of the time I root for University of Utah basketball and BYU football, although the past few years the U hasn't given me much to cheer for. But the sad fact is, the past few years I haven't followed either team that closely. Why.... its because of the fans. These usually normal people become so polar in their views that it just isn't worth the frustration, at least to me, to pay much attention. May be i'm getting older, but it seems that life is just too short to hold such venom for something that is... well....entertainment. What used to be fun becomes a point of contention, a point of one up manship. Get over it, I know I'm trying to.
The bottom line is that both of these are great organizations. I think theres always room for good things in the world. You don't have to hate one because you like the other. Please, just for this old man be a little more respectful to each other. Now that BYU is independent and the U is PAC 12 cheer for them both. They both put the state of Utah on the map. On the rare occasions that schedules allow them to compete on the field or court cheer for your favorite. Just remember that world peace, economic stability and the survival of mankind are not on the line. Who knows you may even find a meaningful friendship with a Ute or Cougar..
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Well the first debate is in the bag. Whether you think Obama or Romney won the debate, the only thing that truly matters is that on November 7th you and I will have the privilege of settling the debate once and for all. Your vote and my vote count. I have heard many people's say why should I vote. My state has already made the decision, so my vote doesn't count.....yes it truly does. It is your right, privilege and responsibility. Not to mention that the vote for president is just one of the items that you have the opportunity to vote on. Your vote counts because you get to select local leadership, state and national leadership, decide on key issues that effect you directly. So get out and vote!
On a personal note after the debate, I have something that I've been missing for several months. Hope! So you now know where my heart lies with the two candidates. We opened a small business in the spring of 2010. In July of that year the first of Obama care was implemented. It imposed a tax on our type of business and has nearly made it impossible to succeed. President Obama ran on the concept of hope and change, we'll for me, this election I'm running on the concept. I hope there's a change.
These opinions of mine are just that. My opinions. We'd love to hear yours.
On a personal note after the debate, I have something that I've been missing for several months. Hope! So you now know where my heart lies with the two candidates. We opened a small business in the spring of 2010. In July of that year the first of Obama care was implemented. It imposed a tax on our type of business and has nearly made it impossible to succeed. President Obama ran on the concept of hope and change, we'll for me, this election I'm running on the concept. I hope there's a change.
These opinions of mine are just that. My opinions. We'd love to hear yours.
Monday, September 17, 2012
Blues Brothers battle it out
Wether your a police officer or a fire fighter in West Valley City. It didn't really matter much last friday night. While both departments took different sides in an annual soft ball game, the players fans and other city employees had a different focus. We'll get to that in just a few moments, but first we'll let you know how the game went.
If the first inning was any sign of what was to come the fire department was in trouble. The police team batted through the order and built an eight point lead by the time the fire department got the obligatory three outs. Now with the chance for some offense the Fire Team put four points on the board. Maybe this would turn out to be a game after all. After six full innings the P.D. was leading with a 20 to 12 score. Just as the Fire team members were taking the field to begin the top of the 7th, Chief Jeff Fox made the announcement that the guest of honor had arrived and was at the pavilion where a BBQ was to follow. With that message the Fire fighters put aside their pride and any hope of catching up to a very competitive PD roster. Both teams are competitive and probably would like to have kept playing until they were kicked off the field. But the hearts of these brave men and women were focused on something a bit higher than the battle on the field. It was on one family that is facing a much different battle. The family of Dave and Colleen Taylor.
Dave Taylor joined the West Valley City Fire Department in the late 80's. He had worked his way from Recruit fire fighter, fire fighter II, Senior firefighter, and Engineer. He became a paramedic for the City and worked on Ladder 75 out of station 75 on B platoon. Some time ago Dave had some medical problems that wouldn't allow him to drive the big rigs. After tests and other treatments Dave and Colleen got the news that he had a tumor on his brain. More tests and surgery revealed that it was cancerous. Dave and Colleen have faced the surgeries, treatments, and life changing events with courage, hope, and faith. On Aug 28 2012. Dave's benefit hours were expired. For any one that has more than 20 years in the retirement system you know that means long term disability, or in other words retirement. Its not the way any of us want to retire, but just one of those decisions that are made for us.
It takes abut 90 days for retirement benefits to kick in. So with that gap of income the Police and Fire fighters decided to make this years game not about bragging rights but about helping this family ease the burden they bare. If even just a little bit.
It was heart warming to see Dave and Colleen at the BBQ. They graciously spoke to everyone. I'm sure it wasn't an easy thing to do.
The Friendships and camaraderie that exist between West Valley fire and Police are unique. I cannot think of a better group of individuals that when they unite in a cause become a formidable force for good.
The group had a raffle to help raise funds to help the Taylors. We cannot begin to list all those that helped. If we did we'd miss someone and don't want to leave anyone out. So with that said we'll just say thank you to all of the sponsors, organizers and everyone involved. Through this collective effort, thousands were raised to help them ease some of the financial pressures. Just a drop in the bucket for all of the needs they have. but it is in the bucket. We were all touched as Dave took the microphone and expressed his gratitude. I know for me personally it was one of the most memorable friday nights I've had in a long long time.
The most valuable player goes of course to Dave and Colleen. Our thoughts, prayers, hope and faith are with the Taylors. Our thanks go to them for allowing us to share in this very personal experience. Thanks again to the wonderful Men ands Women we have a privilege to work side by side with.
God Bless!
Fire Marshal bob
If the first inning was any sign of what was to come the fire department was in trouble. The police team batted through the order and built an eight point lead by the time the fire department got the obligatory three outs. Now with the chance for some offense the Fire Team put four points on the board. Maybe this would turn out to be a game after all. After six full innings the P.D. was leading with a 20 to 12 score. Just as the Fire team members were taking the field to begin the top of the 7th, Chief Jeff Fox made the announcement that the guest of honor had arrived and was at the pavilion where a BBQ was to follow. With that message the Fire fighters put aside their pride and any hope of catching up to a very competitive PD roster. Both teams are competitive and probably would like to have kept playing until they were kicked off the field. But the hearts of these brave men and women were focused on something a bit higher than the battle on the field. It was on one family that is facing a much different battle. The family of Dave and Colleen Taylor.
Dave Taylor joined the West Valley City Fire Department in the late 80's. He had worked his way from Recruit fire fighter, fire fighter II, Senior firefighter, and Engineer. He became a paramedic for the City and worked on Ladder 75 out of station 75 on B platoon. Some time ago Dave had some medical problems that wouldn't allow him to drive the big rigs. After tests and other treatments Dave and Colleen got the news that he had a tumor on his brain. More tests and surgery revealed that it was cancerous. Dave and Colleen have faced the surgeries, treatments, and life changing events with courage, hope, and faith. On Aug 28 2012. Dave's benefit hours were expired. For any one that has more than 20 years in the retirement system you know that means long term disability, or in other words retirement. Its not the way any of us want to retire, but just one of those decisions that are made for us.
It takes abut 90 days for retirement benefits to kick in. So with that gap of income the Police and Fire fighters decided to make this years game not about bragging rights but about helping this family ease the burden they bare. If even just a little bit.
It was heart warming to see Dave and Colleen at the BBQ. They graciously spoke to everyone. I'm sure it wasn't an easy thing to do.
The Friendships and camaraderie that exist between West Valley fire and Police are unique. I cannot think of a better group of individuals that when they unite in a cause become a formidable force for good.
The group had a raffle to help raise funds to help the Taylors. We cannot begin to list all those that helped. If we did we'd miss someone and don't want to leave anyone out. So with that said we'll just say thank you to all of the sponsors, organizers and everyone involved. Through this collective effort, thousands were raised to help them ease some of the financial pressures. Just a drop in the bucket for all of the needs they have. but it is in the bucket. We were all touched as Dave took the microphone and expressed his gratitude. I know for me personally it was one of the most memorable friday nights I've had in a long long time.
The most valuable player goes of course to Dave and Colleen. Our thoughts, prayers, hope and faith are with the Taylors. Our thanks go to them for allowing us to share in this very personal experience. Thanks again to the wonderful Men ands Women we have a privilege to work side by side with.
God Bless!
Fire Marshal bob
Thursday, July 12, 2012
The boys of summer... At it again
West Valley firefighters responded to a fire at the red maple restaurant. 3361 south Redwood road in West Valley City Utah, When crews arrived they found the building well involved. Quick action from the initail crew made the difference. Even though they had a difficult time securing a water supply they were able to knock the majority of the fire down with the 500 gallons of water on board. The fire started in the kitchen as they were preparing food in a deep fat fryer. The fire quickly overcame the suppression system and spread quickly. Fire fighters had a difficult time completly extignuishing the fire because it had spread into the ceiling and roof area.
Thanks go to West Valley City Fire, West Valley City Police, South Salt Lake Fire, Salt Lake City Fire, West Jordan Fire, Metro Fire, Metro Fire Rehab and E 117
Remember Be Smart... Be Safe... BE READY! Fire Marshal Bob
Thanks go to West Valley City Fire, West Valley City Police, South Salt Lake Fire, Salt Lake City Fire, West Jordan Fire, Metro Fire, Metro Fire Rehab and E 117
Remember Be Smart... Be Safe... BE READY! Fire Marshal Bob
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Seeley Fire
Hello everyone, I am writing this from the confines of my hotel room in Price Utah. For the past few days I have had the privilege of working in the Carbon County EOC (Emergency Operations Center). Generally when I work in such a setting I will fill the role of the Incident commander, Operations Section Chief or the Public Information Officer. This time I was able to act as the Planning Section Chief. Needless to say I've learned a lot. Tomorrow we will probably close the EOC and I will return to Salt Lake.
Today we were able to go on a brief recon mission to one of the burn areas south of Scofield Utah. The fire itself has been a challenge due to the terrain. But yesterday it wasn't terrain but actual rain that caused problems. it rained about 1/3 -1/2 inch of rain in a very short time causing some flash floods. As reports came into the EOC stating that some areas saw water five to six feet deep racing towards creek beds, many said ya sure.
This picture shows just how high the water got in this area. I am standing by the normal flow of the creek for this time of year. The debris shows it actually got to about seven feet deep at one point. well its late and i'm bushed.
Friday, July 6, 2012
Rancho market fire July 2, 2012
Thanks to quick efforts by West Valley City Fire, Salt Lake City Fire, and South Salt Lake City Fire. Rancho Market was able to re-open the next morning.
Sunday, July 1, 2012
What I did on my Summer Vacation
I haven't had to write an essay like this since grade school, and I guess to be fair I dont really have to write this one. Not to mention summer has barely begun. I have been involved in the fire service for nearly 30 years and in those years I cant remember a summer or year for that matter, like this one. I surely hope that things settle down or the men and women I serve with will wear out and age ten years. Yesterday, June 30, 2012. We had a call come in of a structure fire, as I pulled out of the fire station I could see a large column of smoke rising into the Salt Lake valley skyline. Information was beginning to come in as we got closer. Engine 72 was the first to arrive. The size up went something like this. Engine 72 has arrived, we have a four-plex apartment building fully involved. We have several exposures threatened. We will be in a defensive strategy. Start a second alarm. As I pulled up I could see that one structure was a complete loss. It definitely was fully involved! Fire was not only coming out of every opening, but was covering the entire exterior of the building. The second four-plex was smoking and we had hopes that we could stop the progress there. But as the initial radio report mentioned we had several exposure problems. There were three cars that were beginning to smoke, and a duplex to the north that was heating up quickly. We decided to cool down the cars and the third building with a 2-1/2 in line. Glad we did because it would have gone to a third alarm if any of those had done more than smoke and melt from the radiant heat. We positioned ladder 75 and engine 72 and 73 on the east side, and tower 74 and engine 71 on the south side. The hydrants were tapped and didn't give us much in the way of available water, just what you don't need when you're in a dicey situation. The crews did an amazing job at keeping the chaos to a minimum. As more resources started to arrive we divide the fire into two divisions. In the fire service a division is a geographical area that emergency responders work in. We had a south division and an east division. The crews report to a division supervisor which is generally a chief officer or captain depending on who is there at the time. Fortunately I had the luxury of have two great division supervisors. As one problem is addressed you move to the next in your list of priorities. So once we knew the cars and the duplex had stabilized we were able to start working on the initial two buildings. Our hopes of saving any of the second building were diminishing quickly. The fire in the attic was building, We assigned crews to do a quick recon and search to make sure no one was inside. About that time the roof began to fail. We pulled those crews from harms way and began an assault with the two aerial master streams capable of pouring out thousands of gallons onto the inferno. We finally made some good progress and were able to start releasing crews back to their areas. After six hours of work the last of the crews, myself included were available. Not a bad days work. the only problem with that statement is that this fire was the third working fire of the day. not to mention the medical calls that had come in and all of the calls were to come in yet. Oh well like one of my favorite lines from the old super chicken cartoon show "besides you knew the job was dangerous when you took it" life goes on.
Special thanks to the following folks. WVCFD, WVCPD, West Valley City Public works, South Salt Lake City Fire, Salt Lake City Fire, West Jordan Fire, Sandy City Fire, Metro Fire Agency, Metro Rehab, and Unified.
As I close this lengthy post, just a couple of thoughts. Please be careful if you do anything related to fire. whether. it a BBQ, a home fire work show, or if you smoke. Take time to do it right. Or not at all! heres my new battle cry for firefighting 2012. HELP US FIGHT..... DON'T IGNITE!
Friday, June 29, 2012
Breaking news rosecrest fire Herriman Utah
Media are reporting that homes have been burned by the fast-moving fire in Herriman, now called the Rose Crest Fire.
The hashtag on Twitter is #rosecrestfire.
People are being evacuated to Herriman High School.
Animals are being evacuated to South Jordan to the county equestrian center Barn 8
Our office has started a google map, based on available data.
Here it is:
Be smart... Be safe.... BE READY
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Whats that in the Sky???
Its a bird.... Its a plane... Its a squirrel.... No Sorry its just time for fireworks again. Hello everyone, just thought we’d pass this along.
As you remember the State of Utah passed new legislation last year. A new and exciting class of fireworks is available again this year. With the expanded availability comes expanded responsibility! There are still many illegal fireworks. Here are some other reminders.
Please, pay particular attention to safety recommendations and safety tips from manufacturers and retailers who sell fireworks. Reading instructions this year will be significantly important and necessary to help reduce the chances of a destructive fire or debilitating injury.
Purchase fireworks from reliable, licensed fireworks dealers. Read all instructions to help reduce the chances of a destructive fire or debilitating injury. Follow all safety guidelines exactly.
Children should not handle fireworks. You must be at least 16 years of age to handle or light fireworks. Adults are to supervise any activity that includes fireworks. Never let children handle, play with or light fireworks. Only knowing and clear-headed adults should handle fireworks.
Adults should never use alcohol or drugs or be impaired while engaged in handling, using, placing or lighting fireworks.
New aerial type fireworks are now lawful. Aerial devices, also known as “multiple tube”, “repeater”, or “cake” fireworks often look like miniature professional displays and can travel high into the air, as much as 150 feet.These fireworks need sufficient space from trees, carports, structures, power lines or other high or low obstacles. Aerial or “cake” fireworks need at least a 30 foot clearance around on the ground and at least 150 foot clearance in the air.
Not allowed still are: firecrackers, M-80’s, cherry bombs, Bottle- rockets, roman candles, single or reloadable mortars, and ground salutes are still unlawful. All local, state and federal laws must be adhered to.
Use common sense at all times when handling fireworks. Do not alter, change or experiment with makeshift or any firework device and do not allow others to violate the law.
Store fireworks in a cool, dry place. Do not place fireworks in your pockets.
Only use fireworks out of doors. Never play with, set or light fireworks under a carport or overhang, inside a building or compartment.
Never shoot fireworks in windy conditions.
Keep a bucket of water or running hose nearby during the time of lighting and disposing of fireworks and in case of an emergency.
Wear safety glasses when shooting fireworks. Keep all unused fireworks 30 feet away from the shooting area.
Make sure other people are out of range at a reasonable distance before lighting fireworks. Do not point or throw fireworks at people, animals or where they may not be under proper control. And remember, sparklers burn at 1200 degrees Fahrenheit. They can be an extremely dangerous device in the hands of children and are deceptive in nature and can cause serious burns and injuries if not cared for properly.
Light fireworks one at a time. Do not attempt to light multiple fireworks at any time. Do not relight a firework whose fuse has burned away. Do not attempt to repair broken fireworks. Soak fireworks that did not ignite in a bucket of water. Light the firework and then get away quickly.
Keep clear of the firework. Never place a body part above or around a burning firework. Never pickup a burning firework. Never look into the tube or stay close to the burning end of the device. Never hold a lit firework in your hand.
Use caution with animals. Excitement, noise and lights can cause fear and stress.
Fireworks are an American tradition. Safety and common sense are so important as we celebrate the holidays with fireworks. Shooting fireworks can provide hours of wholesome family entertainment, but must be use carefully and safely.
We’ve included the following information so you can know when you can light fireworks. Remember to be good neighbor.
Class “C” fireworks can be sold the following dates:
June 23 - July 27
December 29 - January 1
2 days before and on Chinese New Year’s Eve
Between the hours of 11am and 11pm except as noted:
July 1 - July 7
(July 4 hours extended to midnight)
July 21 - 27
(July 24 hours extended to midnight)
December 31
(11am -1am Jan. 1)
Chinese New Year’s Eve
(11am - 1am the following day)
Be Smart... Be Safe... BE READY! Have a great summer, Fire Marshal Bob
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Summer Safety Reminder...don't let a mishap ruin your summer
Summer is fast approaching. With warmer temperatures more of us will be moving our activities to the out of doors. Hopefully all of us will be able to take advantage of the fun that surrounds us. But I would like to take a moment to remind us that even the simplest family activity can take a turn for the worse if we are not paying attention. We don't want anyone's family fun to turn to tragedy.
I'll give you an example. Last night fire crews responded to a report of a drowning at one of the pools in our city. The report said that ane eleven year old had been pulled from the pool and family and bystanders were working to revive the child. Our crews quickly started working to help this young one. The equipment showed that the child was in what we call v-fib. Which simply means that heart is not doing much more than quivering, not delivering blood flow. It is the same sign we see when a person has had a heart attack and CPR is being performed. I must say our paramedics are great! They are well trained and well seasoned. They defibrillated the child and were able to get a decent rhythm. The child was still not breathing. They quickly transported the child by one of our city ambulances, providing breaths for the child. When our crews left the hospital. The young one was breathing and crying. These are excellent signs. But the outcome is still unknown. Near drowning can have many after effects. This entire event went from a family enjoying an evening by the pool, to a life changing event in less than four minutes.
So there is the reminder and warning. Please be diligent and aware in all your summer activities. thanks go to the West Valley Police and Fire departments for always being there and ready to help. .......have a great summer!
Remember. Be Smart.... Be Safe.... BE READY!
Fire Marshal Bob

So there is the reminder and warning. Please be diligent and aware in all your summer activities. thanks go to the West Valley Police and Fire departments for always being there and ready to help. .......have a great summer!
Remember. Be Smart.... Be Safe.... BE READY!
Fire Marshal Bob
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Fiery Crash on 215 ends in fatality
Authorities are investigating a deadly overnight car fire.
the crash happened on I-215 eastbound about 300 West near the South interchange.
Trooper said the driver, of the car hit a concrete barrier and burst into flames.
Firefighters were able to extinguish the fire, but the drive died at the scene. The cause of the accident is still under investigation.
copyright BHM
the crash happened on I-215 eastbound about 300 West near the South interchange.
Trooper said the driver, of the car hit a concrete barrier and burst into flames.
Firefighters were able to extinguish the fire, but the drive died at the scene. The cause of the accident is still under investigation.
copyright BHM
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Fire- felines-fur balls and a flight to catch
Observations from one of the nuts!
Get off work....... Check
Get ready for vacation...... Check
Go back to work for a fire... Check.
Wait a minute that wasn't in the plan.
The life of a firefighter can be tenuous at times, always entertaining, but tenuous. For example the picture above was from a fire that came in at two AM. The crews - myself included were looking forward to a long winters nap...... No such luck! Fortunately everyone got out safe and no firefighters were injured. Last week we had another fire. I had just pulled into my driveway when the alarm came across the radio... Battalion 71, engine 71, tower 74, engine 72, medic ambulance 72, engine 73, respond to the report of a structure fire at .......... I sat in my car and waited to see if it would be a working fire. Many times the fire doesn't turn out to be much and chief officers such as myself don't need to go. In fact most of the fire guys would rather we stay away. As Battalion 71 arrived he said the words I was waiting for.....make working fire notifications. With those words my evening plans changed. Oh crap, I've got to pack for vacation. My wife and I were heading to San Diego for a long awaited break early the next morning. Oh well packing will have to wait. I put the car in reverse and headed back to the city. By the time I got there they had the fire pretty much contained. My job is to deal with the media, start the investigation, and see if the family has any needs such as housing and help in contacting the insurance. Everyone had gotten out of this one too. With the exception of three cats. The owners were very interested in finding them. Our chief is a big man he can be intimidating, but he is always..... Well usually..... Well sometimes accommodating. You see the customer may not always be right, but with out fail the customer is always the customer. So here is our chief. In his white shirt, and blue uniform pants crawling on the floor looking for three cats well call them Fluffy, Mittens and....Spawn of satan. The cats were hiding and were frightened by all of the noise and banging that firefighters do, not to mention the fire and smoke. Their world had been tuned upside down. Now back to the boss. There he was all six feet four inches. Crawling on his hands and knees looking under beds, couches and in small crawl spaces, all the while hoping he really would not find one of the trio of felines. Fortunately for him he didn't. But when he stood up he was covered with cat fur smelled of a liter box and had a wet spot on his knee. My boss can put together a string of expletives better than any man I know. This was no exception. There he was in all his glory, covered with cat hair, letting out a unique sentence structure that only he could craft, one that would make a sailor wince and the mother of the family standing right behind him. It seemed to be ok though. Maybe she had a son in the navy, heck maybe she had been in the navy! At any rate no harm no foul. It was about ten o'clock that evening when I finally left for home. The fire was out, the media had been given the information they wanted, the family was taken care of for the night until the insurance company could get there the next morning. I was tired but I felt like I was able to help someone that was going through a rough spot... At least I hope I had. Now time to pack and get some shut eye. Hopefully nothing more would happen at work before my 7:00 am flight.
Firefighters.....yes even fire chiefs find themselves in inconvenient, precarious and sometimes smelly situations. We often speak, thinking its just the crews around us, and on the rare occasion, if you hang around long enough. You might hear an expletive or two. Please try to remember we are people too. Just wanting to do our best. Whether its trying to get a bunch of ducklings out of a storm drain, stopping a hazardous material leak, or working at a feverish pace to find a missing child in a fire. It is an honor to do so.
By the way....... Vacation was great!
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Playing with fire
Quick action by West Valley Fire C shift
Fire fighters responded to a report of a shed fire at approximately 1600 w and 3300 south at around 2:30
"We could see black smoke rising into thge air from a few blocks away and called for a full assignment" said Captain Rob Huffman. The fire had quickly spread from the shed to a fence and was impinging on another neigbors garage. Quick action by the crew quickly contained the fire and they were able to keep the fire from spreading further.
Fire Marshal Bob Fitzgerald interviewed those that were home at the time of the fire. During the interview he noticed that one lad, 11years of age had singed hair and eybrows. The boy quickly confessed when asked about his hair. Summer is fast approaching, Please make sure your family is safe. Always keep matches and lighters out of the hands of kids. You never know whose life you might save!
Remember Be Smart... Be Safe... BE READY!!!
Fire Marshal Bob
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Kids today -The Future ...... What does it hold
Good morning everyone. I have a bad habit of going to my local McDonald's almost every morning. Ya I already know its probably not good for my health, but I love having a never ending cup of Diet coke and my usual, the breakfast burrito. As I come to my usual table, a stream of students come in from the nearby High school. This morning as I ate, a group of four teen age girls occupied the booth directly behind me. Their conversation was that of normal kids, talking about what they were going to do this summer and why they were skipping school today. Ah It brought back memories for me of doing the self same thing. The conversation turned to family and boys, normal again. However the tone of the conversation quickly became a bit graphic. They didn't seem to mind that everyone that was in the area heard of their likes dislikes and things they wanted to try. Their speech was vulgar, they were able to weave the "F" word into the conversation with great skill and ability. Showing that this one word could be used as a verb, a noun, an exclamation, and other punctuations. As disturbing as this was, one girl took it to another level, at least for me. She began talking about her Mom. and how she was such a ...... well you know what. The relationship between parent and Teenager is alway a tenuous one. Especially those years that the teens seem to have incurable brain damage. Anyway back to the story. The girl went on to say that her Mom called her a "F" ing slut. (man I hate even typing that stuff). Another girl in the group asked why would she do that? "Cause I am experimenting, you know doing it three or four times a week, trying to see what everything's like...... I really like doing it with different people..... I told my mom I wasn't a slut cause I'm being very careful not to get pregnant, not like her. She got pregnant when she was 15, so she has no room to speak". WOW I was blown away. Not only by the casual way that she talked about things, but by her lack of intelligence. I wanted to show her the definition of Slut. She by her actions was living the definition. As all of us know, age and life experience brings what my good friend Greg calls seasoning and wisdom. I hope for this young lady that she learns, before it becomes one of those hard life lessons. I know that this group of girls are not representative of all teenagers. I have seen and know many that are great and outstanding. But it concerns me that the number of teens that are throwing caution and their futures to the wind is growing. We'd love to hear some of your experiences with this unique portion of our population leave us a comment in the comment box.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
House Fire West Valley City
West Valley City firefighters battled a blaze in a split entry home located at 2768 south 3860 west. An off duty firefighter noticed the familiar oder of a fire as he was taking his family to get something to eat. He was able to alert the family and extinguish part of the fire on the outside of the home with the garden hose.
Fire crews did a great job of keeping the fire from reaching the living area of the home, although there was a significant fire working in the attic. The fire seems to have started with a electrical problem from a lighting fixture.The Red Cross was called to assist the family of six with accommodations. Estimated damages are around 40000.00. There were no injuries reported and three cats survived the mayhem. Bravehaven
Fire crews did a great job of keeping the fire from reaching the living area of the home, although there was a significant fire working in the attic. The fire seems to have started with a electrical problem from a lighting fixture.The Red Cross was called to assist the family of six with accommodations. Estimated damages are around 40000.00. There were no injuries reported and three cats survived the mayhem. Bravehaven
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Chalk Art makes bountiful Beautiful
This wonderful art work though temporary, is really something to behold. the rains of friday had event planners and artists scrambling to preserve the delicate work made of chalk on the concrete canvas. Some of the art was washed a way, some damaged... The intrepid artists began the task of restoring their work and getting it ready to be judged today. So if you looking for something that is a great family activity, that has a flair of small community life . Go to Bountiful's main street to see the limited edition of the 2012 Chalk art festival
Friday, May 18, 2012
Fire under investigation
2700 west parkway 11:30 AM May 18 2012
West Valley City
West valley fire crews responded to the report of a house fire at the mountainview mobile home park. When the arrived they found large volumes of smoke coming from the home. Neighbors stated that they thought the owners were at home at the time,but could not be accounted for. Crews quickly deployed hose lines and entered the home to do a search. The fire was contained to a bedroom. The family had gone to the grocery store. Once that fire crews knew the occupants were safe they were able to concentrate on extinguishing the fire. Crews from West Valley City and South Salt Lake worked to complete the operation. The we're no civilian or fire injuries to report. The fire is still under investigation, and damages are estimated at 30,000.00 dollars
Update. 5:15 PM may 18,2012
Investigators are still working to determine the cause of this fire. They are currently in the process of gathering evidence and conducting interviews. An arson dog was called in to assist the team of West Valley City Fire Investigators.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Hi all, this was the scene here in Denver as we were coming back from lunch.
We were informed that the protestors are planning to setup"camp" just outside our hotel. Stay tuned and we'll try to get some interviews tonight.
We were informed that the protestors are planning to setup"camp" just outside our hotel. Stay tuned and we'll try to get some interviews tonight.
May Day.... May Day
Hello every one. We are in Denver. Today is May first. Happy mayday. Last night while going back to my Hotel. I noticed a sticke that had been put on the window of the bus. It said remember mayday.. It is time to strike. I wonder if this is typical across the nation? Is our nation that fractured? What's your opinion, from tea party to occupies, from conservative to liberals. What's your take? We'd love to hear from you.
Monday, April 30, 2012
BHM in Denver
Hello every one BHM is in Denver for the next few days. Here is a brief commentary. We arrived here in Denver this afternoon. With a full agenda scheduled for the rest of the week. We decided to go to Coors Stadium to watch the Rockies take on the LA Dodgers.
Walking into the stadium I was reminded that MLB provides entertainment and relief for millions of people across out great nation. Two fans in front of us were drinking their beer and commenting on the day. Apparently it had been one of those days that we've all had. Full of frustration, stress and problems. Yet here they were, enjoying their adult beverage, cheering on the local team and enjoying one of the simple pleasures of life, a baseball game. Baseball is the one sport where you can not only feel a part of a larger community and enjoy the talents of incredible athletes. but you talk, you can take a few moments and interact with your friends and more often than not to complete strangers. Baseball is Americas past time, not just for the Sport but for the opportunities to be together and build relationships. Next time your feeling out of sorts, grab a friend and take them out to the old ball game.
By the way the Rockies won the game 6 - 2
Walking into the stadium I was reminded that MLB provides entertainment and relief for millions of people across out great nation. Two fans in front of us were drinking their beer and commenting on the day. Apparently it had been one of those days that we've all had. Full of frustration, stress and problems. Yet here they were, enjoying their adult beverage, cheering on the local team and enjoying one of the simple pleasures of life, a baseball game. Baseball is the one sport where you can not only feel a part of a larger community and enjoy the talents of incredible athletes. but you talk, you can take a few moments and interact with your friends and more often than not to complete strangers. Baseball is Americas past time, not just for the Sport but for the opportunities to be together and build relationships. Next time your feeling out of sorts, grab a friend and take them out to the old ball game.
By the way the Rockies won the game 6 - 2
Friday, March 16, 2012
Thars a storm brewin
Winter Storm Briefing: March 15, 2012
In this message: Notes from Brian McInerney's 3-minute weather briefing. Snow is on the way.
Were you used to the warm weather this week? Get ready for snow, cold, rain and wind. Prepare for hazardous driving conditions, especially on I-70 and southern part of I-15 or any isolated roads in the south. East-west roads could experience high crosswinds.
To learn more about this storm, please click on the following link:
Notes from the presentation
Starting Saturday:
Winds gusting up to 55-65 mph
Lots of blowing dust
Snow above 5,000 feet
Northern mountains: 1-2 feet
Southern mountains: 1-2 feet
Specific commute information will be available at commuterlink.utah.gov
May see better skiing.
Avalanche danger could increase in backcountry
Saturday, March 10, 2012
West Valley girl found!
WEST VALLEY CITY -- The 10-year-old girl abducted from her elementary school Friday afternoon has been located by police, and the amber alert activated for her abduction has been cancelled.
Aliyah Kay Crowder was located with her mother and suspect in the case, Venus Athena Barker in the northern part of Utah Friday night, police said in a statement issued just after midnight. According to the statement, Barker was initially unwilling to work with police, but after several hours of negotiations, she agreed to comply with them.
As of the time of the police statement, Aliyah had not been returned to her biological father, who has custody of her, though investigators are working to do so as circumstances permit.
According to officials, Aliyah was taken from Silver Hills Elementary School, 5770 West 5100 South, just after 12 p.m. during the school's lunch break, while waiting in the cafeteria line.
Barker entered the school and headed straight to the hallway where the cafeteria is located, passing the office where visitors are supposed to check in. In the hallway, she saw her daughter in the lunch line, grabbed her and forcibly began moving her toward the doors.
At that point, a teacher asked Barker if she had checked out Aliyah, to which Barker indicated she had. A secretary who had followed Barker from the office to the cafeteria intervened, saying she had not.
Barker handed the secretary an envelope saying it contained legal documents, which turned out to be false, and headed out the door. The secretary pursued Barker to the parking lot, but was unable to stop her from getting inside a dark gray Chevy Impala with Aliyah. The car, driven by Barker's husband Sanford Barker, drove away with the two inside.
West Valley Police were especially concerned for Aliyah's welfare because this was not the first time the girl's mother had taken her without permission.
In October 2011, the girl was reunited after her mother abducted and kept her away from other family for eight months. Police located her stepfather Sanford Barker in North Dakota after trying to stop him for a broken taillight, when he sped away and led them to a trailer park.
After impounding the trailer, police found a photo matching the description of Aliyah. They found that she had been with the couple in Kildeer, N.D. and believe that she had been there since she was reported missing.
The investigation in the latest abduction is ongoing.
Contributing: Jordan Ormond, Jennifer Stagg and Hunter Schwarz
Earthquake and tsunami in Japan
A year has passed since the devastating earthquake and tsunami in Japan. It is hard to believe that 365 days have come and gone. Its hard to fathom the loss of life from these two events. While the rest of the world seems to go on, the people of this island nation still feel the effects and deal with the day to day tragedies. Video and documentaries show the resilience of this proud people. Stories of unbelievable heroism and sacrifice still bubble up to the surface about men and women volunteering to what they know is a death sentence to help stop and contain the horrific problem that followed the two main events. That of dealing with the nuclear issues that will have an ongoing consequence. Third faces many challenges now and in the future. Whether it is a natural, or man made disaster doesnt matter. What will have the most meaning, the most consequence is how we the people of the earth set aside our differences and work toge .
May God watch over us and help usin the days, weeks, and years to come.
Bob Fitzgerald
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Life is hard enough! It seems that at every turn there is a regulation, a rule, a tax a law, or another report to file. while I realize that many of these are necessary I cant help but feel that enough is enough. For crying out loud I work for the Government and my wages and benefits have helped me to raise my family, have provided security and opportunity for personal growth. But it seems that government whether its local state or federal keep growing and growing. Legislators pass bill with their name on it to show that they have done something while in office, even when often times there is no hope of being able to enforce the law or regulation. Many times they pass this off to the local government to enforce with no recourse for the locals to staff or to handle the increased work load. Yet it must be done! Other laws or regulations are duplicated or re worded so it makes them look like they have represented their constituents. And then the most wasteful of all are the ones that have no way of being enforced or carried out. My question is Why Why Why? Why make it more difficult for new/small businesses to survive? Why put laws in effect that police officers have no ability or time to enforce?
Oh how I wish the Government would remember these words Of, By and For....... the people, not the Government!
We would love to here your comments, rebuttle and justification
Oh how I wish the Government would remember these words Of, By and For....... the people, not the Government!
We would love to here your comments, rebuttle and justification
Good morning Utah
Good morning one and all I hope this saturday morning finds you all well and that you have a well deserved weekend. As for me Im in my favorite place for early morning saturday. My local McDonald's! enjoying a breakfast burrito and my usual diet Coke. OK so I know its not the healthiest b-fast. As you know this periodical is just that a periodical. We've added a page that will keep you up on local national and world events but this page is for you. We are looking for "reporters" to add their stuff here. So get in touch with us. Heck if your stuff is good enough we'll give you your own page to regale us with your tails and news.
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Whitney Houston dead at 48
UPDATE: LOS ANGELES, Feb. 11 (UPI) -- Grammy- and Emmy-winning U.S. R&B singer and actress Whitney Houston has died at age 48, her publicist said Saturday.
The 48 year old singer died Saturday afternoon at the Beverly Hilton Hotel in Los Angeles, according to her publicists Kristen Foster. She did not specify a cause of death.
Houston was to have appeared at the Clive Davis pre-Grammy gala Saturday night, the entertainment industry newspaper said.
She allegedly was overheard dressing down an assistant in the Beverly Hilton Hotel Thursday morning and that night allegedly got into an altercation with "X Factor" finalist Stacy Francis at an R&B appreciation event where she was described as "belligerent," the Reporter said.
Her publicist had previously said Houston, who had been considered for a judges' seat on "X Factor," was at a spa Friday.
A source close to Clive Davis was quoted by the newspaper as saying, "This is a sad day and it will be a sad Grammys weekend."
The Newark, N.J., native was known for such songs as "Saving All My Love for You," "How Will I Know," "Greatest Love of All" and "I Wanna Dance with Somebody (Who Loves Me)."
Her movie credits included "The Body Guard," "Waiting to Exhale" and "The Preacher's Wife."
She previously was married to singer Bobby Brown, with whom she had a daughter Bobbi Kristina Houston Brown.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
OK UTAH here we Go!
Welcome Utah! We hope you'll join us often as we bring you a unique perspective on the news here in Utah and in the western region. The difference with BHM's Utah news is this .........you are the reporter! Yes we will have feature reporters but you will have the ability to send your articles, breaking news, events, and so on. We publish on the fly, so fasten your seat belts, and hold on its gonna be a fun ride. if you have breaking news post it on our twitter account. Look for BHM Utah News on Twitter. If you've got more information than 140 characters, pictures video etceteras, email us at bhmutahnews@me.com we'll get your story uploaded to the page quickly. As we said earlier this is gonna be a fun ride.
Happy Reporting, Bravehaven!
Happy Reporting, Bravehaven!
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