Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Kids today -The Future ...... What does it hold

Good morning everyone. I have a bad habit of going to my local McDonald's almost every morning. Ya I already know its probably not good for my health, but I love having a never ending cup of Diet coke and my usual, the breakfast burrito. As I come to my usual table, a stream of students come in from the nearby High school. This morning as I ate, a group of four teen age girls occupied the booth directly behind me. Their conversation was that of normal kids, talking about what they were going to do this summer and why they were skipping school today. Ah It brought back memories for me of doing the self same thing. The conversation turned to family and boys, normal again. However the tone of the conversation quickly became a bit graphic. They didn't seem to mind that everyone that was in the area heard of their likes dislikes and things they wanted to try. Their speech was vulgar, they were able to weave the "F" word into the conversation with great skill and ability. Showing that this one word could be used as a verb, a noun, an exclamation, and other punctuations. As disturbing as this was, one girl took it to another level, at least for me. She began talking about her Mom. and how she was such a ...... well you know what. The relationship between parent and Teenager is alway a tenuous one. Especially those years that the teens seem to have incurable brain damage. Anyway back to the story. The girl went on to say that her Mom called her a "F" ing slut. (man I hate even typing that stuff). Another girl in the group asked why would she do that? "Cause I am experimenting, you know doing it three or four times a week, trying to see what everything's like...... I really like doing it with different people..... I told my mom I wasn't a slut cause I'm being very careful not to get pregnant, not like her. She got pregnant when she was 15, so she has no room to speak".  WOW I was blown away. Not only by the casual way that she talked about things, but by her lack of intelligence. I wanted to show her the definition of Slut. She by her actions was living the definition. As all of us know, age and life experience brings what my good friend Greg calls seasoning and wisdom.  I hope for this young lady that she learns,  before it becomes one of those hard life lessons. I know that this group of girls are not representative of all teenagers. I have seen and know many that are great and outstanding. But it concerns me that the number of teens that are throwing caution and their futures to the wind is growing. We'd love to hear some of your experiences with this unique portion of our population leave us a comment in the comment box.


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