Thursday, October 4, 2012


Well the first debate is in the bag. Whether you think Obama or Romney won the debate, the only thing that truly matters is that on November 7th you and I will have the privilege of settling the debate once and for all. Your vote and my vote count. I have heard many people's say why should I vote. My state has already made the decision, so my vote doesn't count.....yes it truly does. It is your right, privilege and responsibility. Not to mention that the vote for president is just one of the items that you have the  opportunity to vote on. Your vote counts because you get to select local leadership, state and national leadership, decide on key issues that effect you directly. So get out and vote!

On a personal note after the debate, I have something that I've been missing for several months. Hope! So you now know where my heart lies with the two candidates. We opened a small business in the spring of 2010. In July of that year the first of Obama care was implemented. It imposed a tax on our type of business and has nearly made it impossible to succeed. President Obama ran on the concept of hope and change, we'll for me, this election I'm running on the concept. I hope there's a change.

These opinions of mine are just that. My opinions. We'd love to hear yours.


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