Thursday, February 2, 2017

Suck it up Buttercup.... Cowboy Poetry at its best

Jeff Carson says it best.


    (a rebuttal)

    Dude seems to me
    the very epitome
    of white fragility
    and insensibility

    He lives in privilege
    in a global village
    He thinks he's entitled
    to progress unbridled

    But hiding beneath
    his black hatted wreath
    and folksy doggerel
    like a boasting inaugural

    Is racism and ignorance
    xenophobia and prejudice
    denyingly pretentious
    intolerant, contentious

    For what he is masking
    is fear -- he's not asking
    for charity cases
    for other races

    Just holier-than-thou
    stuck-up low-brow
    condescension attempts
    and not coming-to-grips

    His perceived "buttercups"
    are much less stuck up
    they fight for justice
    through burnings and protest

    They give of themselves
    more than just stocking shelves
    they gladly pay taxes
    for our roads and our bridges

    For our libraries and schools
    that give us all tools
    police and the military
    we buy their artillery

    With no liberal support
    he'd be out of work
    without intellectuals
    it's all ineffectual

    So it's beyond ironic
    in fact it's moronic
    to try and attack
    our social contract

    Fuck this redneck
    Send him to brokeback!
    repressed, idiotic
    aggressive, neurotic

    Smack-talking jackshit
    brave a bunny rabbit
    he'll wake up in a bit
    freak out in a fit

    When he finally realizes
    our country capsizes
    with lack of diversity
    and fascist perversity

    The GOP's evil
    their leader, the devil
    they can all go to hell
    I won't buy what they sell

    No matter how clever
    the rhymes are pedaled
    I will not sever
    my beliefs in the better:

    Protecting the orphans
    widows and veterans
    all legislation
    that helps our whole nation

    And aiding the poor
    is what religion's for
    not showing the door
    of kicking to the floor

    I'll remain a liberal
    proud and beautiful
    never regrettable,

    1. I cant make sense of it. Best of luck to you.

  2. The rebuttal poem is so stupid. I don't believe that our cowboy poet has had privelege bestowed upon him, I'm quite sure that he has earned everything he is fortunate to have. Maybe our rebuttal poet could take a lesson. Poor baby.

  3. Exactly what the cowboy was stating Mr liberal you proved him right so suck it up butterfly and go make a living and stop crying!!!

    Peter Kay

  4. Pore wittle wiberwal!
    Him has a foul mouth response!
    The "All Day Sucker" crowd has plenty of prison reform needing some liberal attention.
