Dear Mr. President,
America has become a festering political cess pool. Everything in our daily lives seems to be political. #Celebrities think that they have the answers, #Conservatives won't listen to or work with Liberals. #Liberals that won't work with or listen to Conservatives. #Moderates that can't figure out what the hell they stand for. The #republican party has become a joke and the #democratic party has become a travesty. Media that has no friggin clue as to what news is, or where truth lies. Opinion has become the standard for ratings, and politicians seem to have a tenure that cannot be broken. Social media and the internet have become a source of information that is unverified, unvalidated, and seems to be taken at face value for the gods honest truth no matter how ridiculous the claim. Good is evil and evil is good. It is a completely upside down picture of America, or at least the America I love and long for.
So with all that rant said. I am giving you a chance. Its been a very long time since I felt good about the #potus. Some were honorable, but couldn't get the job done. Some were charismatic but couldn't define the word, is. Some wanted to fundamentally change the country, and have brought us to the precipice of hell, and now we come to you. As with all of our presidents I will give you a chance. I will watch to see how you work to make changes, to correct our path.
I will hold you to the #constitution that in January you took a sacred oath to protect and defend.
One promise that you made in your campaign, that you mentioned in your speech on inauguration day and that I believe will have the greatest impact on securing our nation as a true representative government is to #draintheswamp. So Mr. President. Please keep that promise. You will have at least four years, maybe eight to do what you can. In my humble opinion eight years should be the maximum time any politician should hold office.
May God Bless and direct you Mr. President. May we once again be the United States of America. May we re learn how to work together, to lift those around us, and to not be so damn selfish.
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