My Evening With LaVoy Finicum’s Family
This is an Account of My Evening with Members of the LaVoy Finicum Family
as the Terrorizing Tragedy of their Father’s Execution-Style Killingby the FBI-Coordinated State Trooper Ambush Unfolded
as the Terrorizing Tragedy of their Father’s Execution-Style Killingby the FBI-Coordinated State Trooper Ambush Unfolded
BREAKING NEWS, Tuesday, January 26, 2016: Arizona Rancher LaVoy Finicum Dead.
Listen to our radio show Wednesday, January 27, 2016, The Liberty Lineup AM 630 SLC 10-Noon Mountain time. We will share the details about this execution-style killing of a Great American Cowboy LaVoy Finicum.

I was with one of LaVoy’s daughters and her family in Utah when this story unfolded,
On Tuesday evening, I was returning from my son’s house about 45 minutes away from mine, not far from LaVoy Finicum’s daughters home. I felt an urgency to call her and see how she was doing. She hadn’t heard from her father that afternoon, and she had heard there was some trouble in Oregon. I pulled over and found a video on my cell phone with an ominous headline of a shooting.
On Tuesday evening, I was returning from my son’s house about 45 minutes away from mine, not far from LaVoy Finicum’s daughters home. I felt an urgency to call her and see how she was doing. She hadn’t heard from her father that afternoon, and she had heard there was some trouble in Oregon. I pulled over and found a video on my cell phone with an ominous headline of a shooting.
I went straight to their home.
Earlier that day LaVoy and I had shared texts about some media. I told him that his daughter and I were going to try to get up to Burns next week so we could do some eyewitness reporting for the radio show.
LaVoy’s last text arrived at 2:56 PM Mountain time. It said, “Be safe. It looks like Ammon may come to the Boise meeting just to show support.” Idaho ranchers are scheduled to gather next Saturday to join the growing movement to sign letters of intent to withdraw from being managed by the BLM, in large part because of the courage of LaVoy and Ammon.
Let me tell you about the man I came to know through these phone calls and texts. Over the past three weeks, every time LaVoy texted me he was peaceful and calm – always full of encouragement and great faith. To him, it was all in the Lord’s hands. His family followed suit.
I’m broken-hearted at the loss of this sincere and courageous man. He did say from the beginning that he would rather die for the cause of Liberty than live behind bars. My feelings are very raw, as you can see.
As we were frantically searching for news on the Internet, I saw a chat post that said LaVoy was dead. I stopped and then thought, oh my God. Do I tell his daughter – it’s not confirmed. I felt I had to mention it, quickly asserting that it was not confirmed. Then I saw a CNN news feed listing the names of all the people arrested. LaVoy’s name was missing. This did not look good. I asked, “Did your father typically stay at the refuge when the others went out?” She thought he did.
Then we got a call from LaVoy’s wife, but we could not understand her words. I instructed her to go to the police department for confirmation, and she did. Next we received a call from Ammon Bundy’s wife confirming a call she had received from Ammon that LaVoy had been shot in the face and killed, with both hands up – no guns. LaVoy’s brother Guy confirmed it as well.
Who does this? WHO? What sort of human being could shoot to kill a kind and loving grandfather like that? They had done no harm. Only by propaganda could the FBI and the media have collaborated to demonize LaVoy Finnicum. I will never forget the disgusting and degrading Tavis Smiley comedy sketch about “Tarpman.”
His daughter received a call from Ammon Bundy’s wife confirming her father was dead. The report indicated that he had both hands up when the trooper shot him in the face. Three shots were fired. Later an audio recording from a Bundy supporter in the refuge said LaVoy was on his knees with hands up when he was shot dead, bringing horrific images to mind of ISIS-style executions.
THIS IS YOUR FBI, Americans. Is this Liberty or tyranny? Who ARE we anyway? WAKE UP!
We learned that approximately 3 hours after that last text LaVoy was killed. The others were arrested. Ryan Bundy, Ammon’s brother, was slightly injured with a gunshot wound and now all eight are arrested. There were six witnesses to the killing.
Four hours had passed, and no one notified his wife or family. She was at a grandson’s basketball game. Were there any witnesses to make sure there was no tampering with evidence? Was there a video recording? We don’t have all the information yet.
Here is one of the first links with updated time marks.
This is your trusted media and government in action. Are you proud of this land of Liberty?
Yes, I’m angry. And in shock. Words cannot express the devastation this good family is feeling. Yes, there is evil in this world, and you are witnessing it. I will testify that the people on the Internet that have opposed these people on my Facebook wall are enemies of Liberty. They are enemies of all things good. Their posts are lewd, pornographic, vulgar, demeaning, sarcastic and threatening. I have the screen shots of these posts and have skimmed the content of their Facebook pages to know that in general they represent the far Left – socialists, communists, Marxists, Maoists, who support gun control, animal rights, abortion, and the very environmental policies that have brought these ranchers to this point.
We can also blame our progressive education system, our elected leaders – both sides of the aisle, and especially our media. Most hate everything good and religious. The FBI, our federal government and the media do the bidding of this evil.
You can blame anything and anyone, but don’t blame the protestors, Ammon Bundy or LaVoy Finicum. In my own history is a great great grandfather who was forced to leave everything behind in England because he joined a strange religious following in America – the Mormons. He and his family pushed a handcart in pursuit of a dream – Zion. He died along the North Platte River. Two weeks later the ill-fated pioneer party was caught in a blizzard at Martin’s Cove, Sweetwater, Wyoming where they nearly froze to death. They miraculously were rescued and made it to the Salt Lake Valley.
Years later in a Sunday School class the members were criticizing the handcart company for their lack of judgment. An elderly man in the room stood and said he had been among them. He chastised them saying, “We came to know God in our extremities.”
For everything there is a season and a purpose under heaven. Please refrain from sideline quarterbacking.
In front of me was a young woman who had just lost her dad. Her hero. I have indelibly etched in my memory a sweet young family of three young boys and a girl, 12 and under (baby asleep – who will never know her grandpa), tears running down their young faces as they first learned their grandpa was dead. Images of a family holding each other tightly in the kitchen, mother sitting on a stool, and each consoling her as she crumbled over in agonizing sobs.
I hugged and held this hurting family, especially LaVoy’s daughter as she buried her head into my chest and I surrounded her my arms. LaVoy’s brother Guy called to confirm the news, and then I helped the family sort through decisions. I started to get the word out to our social networkers. Thank you, Janalee Tobias. You are an angel.
I looked at this young mother of four and held her head up. I reminded her that her dad was nearby. She and her siblings and mother had gone to Oregon. LaVoy had a feeling he would never see them again, so he gave them a traditional (Biblical) father’s blessing and said goodbye.
I pulled the boys aside and told them their grandpa had died for a good cause, that he was a Saint. I said they would probably be feeling all kinds of emotions – anger, sadness – but to remember that HE DIED FOR THEIR LIBERTY, and never to lose their faith in God. God is over all and knows all. Their grandfather died for a purpose. He was a hero.
They prepared to travel to be with family, and we ask for your prayers.
So you say, “Well, no, it’s LaVoy’s fault. He got himself in that pickle.” No, my friends, WE got him in that pickle. Because WE have stood by and allowed our nation to become a tyrannical form of government that slaughters grandfathers fighting for their land and for standing for the Hammond’s who have been wrongfully incarcerated as arsonists and domestic terrorists.
I testify that LaVoy Finicum was a good and honorable man. He died for Liberty. He has a faithful family who believe in the cause of Liberty and trust in him and his faith.
He was killed in cold blood by an FBI controlled ambush by a state trooper. These are the real terrorists. The FBI came to terrorize, frighten and intimidate the people of this town so as to encourage the people to want them gone. Oregon is one of the most bureaucratic and corrupt states in the nation, run by statists and progressives. Harney County employs mostly federal employees. That’s a federal takeover.
The media worked with the FBI to black out all media. That way they could control it and continue to ridicule and demonize and mock these good men, falsely accusing them of being heavily armed militia.
Don’t you Easterners know that every rancher “open carries” where they are allowed. Many in Utah have concealed carry permits, myself included.
The week before, I watched the video of the town hall where the Mayor, the Judge and the Sheriff (who should be tried for being an accomplice to this murder and removed from office for unconstitutionally turning the county over to the FBI) as they skillfully had pitted the people against the protestors. I could see it would be an uphill climb. I prayed every day for their safety. The Liberty Lineup Radio Show did all it could to tell the truth to help everyone be safe.
LaVoy’s daughter and family began packing to leave, and I said goodbye and as I got into my car, I cried. And prayed. I returned home around 10:30 PM. I asked my husband if it was all over the news.
The saying goes, “When the people fear government, that’s tyranny. When the government fears the people, that’s Liberty.
Friends, I’ve been on the front lines of key causes supporting family and religious liberty for decades. I learned along ago – never, ever trust what you see on TV or hear on the radio without verifying it and knowing you trusted source. I’ve learned THEY. LIE.
FBI and state troopers, YOU will be held accountable for this cold-blooded, ruthless manner in which you killed LaVoy Finicum. What I saw in his three grandsons’ innocent and pure-hearted eyes and anguished faces that night when they learned how he was killed will never go away as long as I live.
Here’s the long list of enablers of this crime against these innocent people: You who were up there in Oregon agitating as agent provocateurs and terrorizing this community, criticizing and intentionally aggravating people’s emotions – talk show hosts and bloggers that were on site agitating with their frenetic and angry voices, you know who you are.
Elected officials: the Mayor, the Sheriff YOU abandoned this county and turned it over to the FBI, the Judge and all the crony capitalists he manipulates.
The complicit media: CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, The Washington Post, The New York Times, Forbes, the Wall Street Journal and more … on down to the local papers here in Utah – The Deseret News and the Salt Lake Tribune, the news wires, and the talk show hosts.
YOU could have helped us all over this nation to get the real stories out instead of blacking them out after the false image you gave them, destroying their good reputations. Yes, I know what you’re thinking. This was not normal. Neither was what George Washington did when the Colonies declared war on Britain. He was crazy then. Yesterdays crazies tend to become tomorrow’s heroes.
Then there’s the majority of our cowardly elected officials in the Western states legislatures and in Washington DC who do nothing to solve the problems that have brought us to this place. And these are the same people constitutional convention advocates want to change the Constitution?
You have betrayed us. You have betrayed our republic and the US Constitution. You have enabled with your pride, your arrogance, your smugness, and your egotistical judgment.
You left it to the little guys on small independent stations of which not many still exist – to work overtime to get the Truth out. And worse, with all of this, YOU helped put these men in harm’s way, and now one of the best of them is dead.
I’m calling you out: Glenn Beck, Alex Jones, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, FOX News. shame on you. Where WERE you?
And us. Me. I somehow feel I didn’t do enough. I have 210 hours radio, but very short of volunteer staff to assist with all the research and content. Another all nighter.
And may I mention our churches – our synagogues. When will the people wake up to the awful tyranny of our federal government and this oppression against religious liberty, which includes property. Our ranchers have lost their land in the name of global compassion but really global greed – and both Republicans and Democrats have sold their livelihoods to the federal government and forced them to go overseas.
In the end, only the Lord God can judge. May He have mercy on us all.
To you of Harney County. Many of YOU were manipulated. I hope these ranchers’ courageous actions at least created a public awareness that – in spite of your hateful chants “Go Home!” you will have even a small sum of the courage of LaVoy Finicum, and that you will fix what others may be incarcerated for trying to fix.
I hope that even YOU in our Eastern States might begin to understand something’s seriously wrong, that good men – not the nutcases they were strategically portrayed to be – would give their lives for the Liberty of others.
I hope all Americans will investigate what’s actually at stake in this ongoing attack on our American farmers and ranchers and their land: Uranium. And more. Read here and here.
Now, it’s time for all of us to unite with other ranchers and farmers of the Western states where communities, once prosperous, now impoverished, and to carry on the work of these great ranchers that needs to be done to restore the rule of law for which LaVoy died. Where are you?
Are you the summer soldiers and sunshine patriots of which Patrick Henry once spoke? Or are you ready to join the cause to set things right for the Hammonds, for these ranchers and for all Americans who have been feeling the heavy hand of a federal government out of control?
LaVoy has just become a martyr, and this will only galvanize these ranchers. These cowboys are a tough bunch. It’s the Great American Cowboy that won the west, and it looks like it’s going to be the Great American Cowboy who is going to win it back again. Time to rally, ranchers! #RanchersRising #RanchersLivesMatter #HelpHammonds
And God bless the Finicum’s at this sad time.
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