Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Caution....... Information Zone

Todays world depends on information, whether you access information, via the Facebook, twitter, blog's such as this one, cable, radio, local TV, magazines, mail, or even the old fashioned way talking with someone doesn't matter. This article isn't meant to put down any of the ways we communicate today, I love the ease of sending a text or email. Even with that said each of us should take caution. Gone are the days when a writer verified their sources. Confirmed statements made and so on. A good example of this is are a few topics that are our in the "world wide wind" right now. Global warming, political scandals, conspiracy theories can all quote sources that appear to be valid on both sides of those issues. So how do you and sort through all of the confusion?
 Its not easy! Who do we believe? Where can we find reliable information? Can't I just ignore everything? Lets start by addressing these questions.
First, Can't I just ignore everything? That is a dangerous and slippery slope, as well as is the opposite, paying attention to everything. We need to be informed but we also need to be able to discount those things that don't matter. Ignorance is not bliss, an example of this is opening a business and then learning from the IRS that you were supposed to make tax payments... Just because you aren't aware of something does not excuse you from the consequences. So be educated, learn what you can and be sure sure to know things you are responsible for.
If you choose to ignore information you are setting yourself up for surprises, and those surprises might not be pleasant. Even though the ostrich may bury his head in the sand, the world keeps on moving around him.
Second where can I find reliable information? I have come to the opinion that the only reliable source that you can find comes from you and your experiences. Things you have proven to be true. The lines between fact and fiction have become blurred to a point that unless you have had experience or knowledge it a guessing game. One thing that is lost in this world of information and impersonal communication is intimate relationships. Now I'm not talking about anything that goes on behind bedroom doors here. I mean true meaningful relationships with individuals, where you communicate and talk, share and listen, build trust and faith in another human being. Sometimes this is easier done with a loyal dog, our you favorite cat. But unless we can have those kinds of relationships, we truly are left to our own experiences and understanding. Trusted relationships can help us as we sort through information, its a sounding board. Its not a perfect solution but is helps us in so many ways. Now with all of that said where do we find the information? Information isn't hard to find, its just knowing what is true that is difficult. Hiefetz and Linsky tell us to "get to the balcony".  Meaning when you have your information take a step back go to a place where you can look at it form a different perspective and sort out whats the most important. It all goes back to paying attention, learning what you can on both sides. Leaning on your life experiences and those trusted allies that you have built relationships with.
So who do we believe? Whether you like Glenn Beck or not,  I like the fact that he repeatedly says "don't believe me....find out for yourself".  The truth is out there...its our responsibility to seek it, hold on to it, and pass it along to the best of our imperfect ability.

God Bless and have a great day.......... Bravehaven

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