Tuesday, February 23, 2016

"I will fundamentally change the United States"... Yes you have and that is not a good thing.

As I reflect on our country and nation, I can't help but think that President Obama has been a successful president. Now you may say, what the H - double toothpick are you talking about, our nation is a mess. I remind you that he ran on the premise of fundamentally changing our nation. In this he has been a great success.
No longer are we the United States, that has been fundamentally changed.
No longer are We the People, that has been fundamentally changed with a pen and phone.
No longer are we a people who look for the good in our countrymen, but a people that don't trust each other, our government, the media, and have become skeptics.
No longer are we a people that blend together, embrace each other, but now are a people who see things as Black and White, deteriorating decades of progress and trust, to bigotry, hate and venom.
No longer are we a people that have faith in God, but a people that have turned our backs on everything that has virtue.
No longer can we claim our place in the world as a nation of help and respect, and strength but now as a nation of contempt, mistrust, and ridicule.
No longer do we feel safe, We feel it not only a right to bear arms, but now we feel it a necessity to our safety to exercise our second amendment rights.
Yes Mr. President, you have been successful in your term as President. But sadly at least to me its been in all the wrong ways. You had the opportunity to do good, you didn't. You had the opportunity to unite, You divided! You had the highest office in the land, and you brought it to new low standards.
As we go forward as Americans, and I hope we do go forward. Not as a book mark of a once great nation in the annals of history of the world. But as a leader in trust, honesty, truth, benevolence, and in doing good to all men, having a hope for the future, being able to continue to endure in all situations. Hopefully we can seek after good virtues, lovely things, things that we are happy to report about, and certainly earn respect and be praiseworthy. Those are the things that will make a difference for good.
If we an strive to be good honest people, electing like minded people maybe, just maybe we can Fundamentally, restore the vision that our founders had.

God Bless you all, and may God Bless America


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