Monday, October 19, 2015

Stop voter Fraud.... Vote Live

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

In tribute and respect for these brave men who met a challenge that most of us cannot comprehend. May God welcome you home into his arms, and may he send his Spirit to your families and community to comfort and help all through this difficult time. I am Proud to call you my Brothers. Thank you for your ultimate sacrifice.


The first ambulance left the scene with one of the injured firefighters at 8:13 p.m. and arrived at the hospital five minutes later. A second ambulance took another firefighter from the scene at 8:21.
Despite efforts by paramedics, nurses and doctors, both firefighters were pronounced dead at the hospital.
“Our thoughts and prayers are with the families of those lost and injured,” said Chief Berardi, who thanked everyone who has sent the department condolences. “The compassion of the community has been amazing.”
Leggio, an apparatus driver, worked out of Station 17 at 34th Street and the Paseo. He leaves a wife and his mother.
Mesh’s pumper truck works out of Station 10 at 1505 E. Ninth Street. He leaves a wife and four daughters.
“Today is a somber reminder that the work our employees perform in service to the citizens of our City can be dangerous and difficult,” City Manager Troy Schulte said in a written statement released Tuesday. “Each day lives are put on the line to make our City great; the legacy of firefighters Leggio and Mesh will not be forgotten.”

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

BHM's Scary Ghost Stories

BHM's Scary Ghost Stories