Friday, August 14, 2015

Come on #america Who wins?????

Friday, August 7, 2015

Where in the world are we?

I must admit, the older I get the more conservative my views become. With that being said, I worry more about the future, and long for the past. I am concerned about the world we will leave to our children and grandchildren. Values, ethics, and morals that I have always taken for granted seem to be challenged, mocked and vilified.

Even with those things stated, I am the eternal optimist. I still believe that good will overcome evil, that right will concur wrong. That freedom and liberty will rule the day. Some call me old fashioned, but I still believe in God, that he lives and is mindful of us and is ever aware of the challenges we face. I believe that there a many more that share my feelings, but for what ever reason we seem to be silent, perhaps dormant. Am I wrong? Every day we go to work, put in our time, and see the world around us. What are we doing? What are we waiting for?

Over the next weeks and months I will be promoting a series of polls. These polls are not to determine who is right or who is wrong. I just want opinions. I want honest answers, because I can't find them from the right or from the left. I can't find them on the internet, or from the news. Youtube is filled with self made experts on everything from A - Z. You can find compelling statistics for or against any issue. It all promotes controversy, conspiracy theories. It makes good people become jaded and seems to turn evil in to acceptable ways of living.

So I turn to you my friends, all I want is your answers. I'm looking to find the pulse of who we are and what direction we are heading in. I want to know if I'm thinking the same was as you are. I don't need to know your names, I don't need any money, I don't need to be lectured to. I just want to know how we as a people are thinking with out all of the fanfare. I am not a professional poller. So don't expect PHD level questions, but please share the poll and ask your friends to participate.

Feel free to leave comments!

Here is the first poll,

Planned Parenthood

In light of recent news concerning Planned Parenthood. What is your opinion about it? Pleas take our poll and share your comments.