Saturday, November 14, 2015

New Wheels..... New Life for An-g

West Valley City firefighters reaching out to help a young family give their mom a new mobility and out look on life with M.S. West Valley Firefighters hosted a yard sale at Granger Elementary 1950 W 3700 S from 9-3 on November 14 all the money raised will help to Purchase a new wheel chair that'll help her be the Mom she wants to be.

Hi! It's me, An-g. As many of you know, I have been battling m.s for 23 years; since the ripe age of 14. About 5 years ago the disease transitioned into the next phase-secondary progressive M.S and life has never been the same since.

I am a firm believer that everything we face in life has divine purpose to mold us into the people God created us to be; so I know that the Lord in His Sovereignty is using my affliction to build our faith, trust, endurance, hope and character.

Although we have faced many, many trials-our journey has been truly Amazing!  

To learn more about me and my family-You can read about the work the Lord has been doing in and through our circumstances here:

Those that are closest to us understand the depth of my needs and know how much this device we are trying to raise money for would change our world!!  But for those of you that don't know you can read about it here. ‌

Literally,a huge burden would be lifted from my 2 beautiful children who help me endlessly and my amazing husband who has been lifting and carrying  me around for the past year. 

We have been racking our brains on how we are gonna try to make this easier on us. Over the past year with the burns, gallbladder removal and various surgeries. I'm in quite a predicament. I can no longer bare any weight so just the simplest of tasks becomes nearly impossible. The wheelchair I'm in doesn't fit into any of our bathrooms-its too wide and bulky for the small bathrooms we have and not being able to bare any weight makes this... well...  extremely difficult. Without having a gallbladder eating has becme extremely burdomesome as food does not agree with me. Therefore, most days i'm starving myself so i don't have to go to the bathroom.I'm tired of living like this and I believe there is better days ahead. 

I've lost so much independence and this device would give me the ability to do so many things that we all take for granted. 

I love my sweet husband and dear firefighters who have been here for me day after day, week after week, month after month to help me- but oh how I long for Independance.

Here's An explanation of the Tek Robotic Mobilization Device:

" At Matia Robotics, we created the Tek Robotic Mobilization Device not as a wheelchair alternative, but as a brand new mobility platform that completely re imagines the way individuals with paraplegia and other walking disabilities are able to move in the world. The ability to independently and safely sit, stand, and navigate environments that were once inaccessible, is now possible, safe, and available by reservation."

Words cannot even begin to express the excitement I feel thinking of how much independence The  Tek Robotic device would bring to me. 

It was just FDA approved and they are beginning to ship to the U.S.!!!! Yee haw!!!

Because there is such a high demand-they do not accept insurance as payment. The device is $18,000 (plus S & H) -which is really a smoking deal considering  the cost of a traditional motorized wheelchair. 

We don't have this kind of money and really do not want to go into further medical debt if we can avoid it- so we are graciously asking all of our dear friends and family if you could help us!

Please share our story too cause it just might take a "community" of people coming together to meet this need. But I believe it is possible! Hope is alive!! 

Monday, October 19, 2015

Stop voter Fraud.... Vote Live

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

In tribute and respect for these brave men who met a challenge that most of us cannot comprehend. May God welcome you home into his arms, and may he send his Spirit to your families and community to comfort and help all through this difficult time. I am Proud to call you my Brothers. Thank you for your ultimate sacrifice.


The first ambulance left the scene with one of the injured firefighters at 8:13 p.m. and arrived at the hospital five minutes later. A second ambulance took another firefighter from the scene at 8:21.
Despite efforts by paramedics, nurses and doctors, both firefighters were pronounced dead at the hospital.
“Our thoughts and prayers are with the families of those lost and injured,” said Chief Berardi, who thanked everyone who has sent the department condolences. “The compassion of the community has been amazing.”
Leggio, an apparatus driver, worked out of Station 17 at 34th Street and the Paseo. He leaves a wife and his mother.
Mesh’s pumper truck works out of Station 10 at 1505 E. Ninth Street. He leaves a wife and four daughters.
“Today is a somber reminder that the work our employees perform in service to the citizens of our City can be dangerous and difficult,” City Manager Troy Schulte said in a written statement released Tuesday. “Each day lives are put on the line to make our City great; the legacy of firefighters Leggio and Mesh will not be forgotten.”

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Thee lift me and I'll lift Thee #Caring #Reliable #Professional

Maggie Boyle Judi's photo.
It seems that there is so much negativity in the world I wanted to share something awesome that I saw today. I was at costco pushing my heavy cart towards the door and found myself behind three different flat bed carts piled over six feet high each with goods. The carts were being pushed by three tiny polygamist women as indicated by their long sleeved dresses, black socks, indicative hairdos, and sensible shoes. I was wondering how they would make it out of the store burdened by their heavy loads and the stares of other costumers. Sometimes we stare without thinking at people who appear different or are out of the realm of our personal norm. I heard a man say, " let me help." And this guy with a West Valley City FD uniform came to the rescue. He and his colleagues helped the women out to their big Ole truck and trailer and helped them unload their stuff. No judgments, no staring, just goodness in action. There is good in this world. So much more of it than bad. I was beyond grateful to witness some of it today. ‪#‎westvalleyfd‬ 
Maggie Boyle Judi

Friday, August 14, 2015

Friday, August 7, 2015

Where in the world are we?

I must admit, the older I get the more conservative my views become. With that being said, I worry more about the future, and long for the past. I am concerned about the world we will leave to our children and grandchildren. Values, ethics, and morals that I have always taken for granted seem to be challenged, mocked and vilified.

Even with those things stated, I am the eternal optimist. I still believe that good will overcome evil, that right will concur wrong. That freedom and liberty will rule the day. Some call me old fashioned, but I still believe in God, that he lives and is mindful of us and is ever aware of the challenges we face. I believe that there a many more that share my feelings, but for what ever reason we seem to be silent, perhaps dormant. Am I wrong? Every day we go to work, put in our time, and see the world around us. What are we doing? What are we waiting for?

Over the next weeks and months I will be promoting a series of polls. These polls are not to determine who is right or who is wrong. I just want opinions. I want honest answers, because I can't find them from the right or from the left. I can't find them on the internet, or from the news. Youtube is filled with self made experts on everything from A - Z. You can find compelling statistics for or against any issue. It all promotes controversy, conspiracy theories. It makes good people become jaded and seems to turn evil in to acceptable ways of living.

So I turn to you my friends, all I want is your answers. I'm looking to find the pulse of who we are and what direction we are heading in. I want to know if I'm thinking the same was as you are. I don't need to know your names, I don't need any money, I don't need to be lectured to. I just want to know how we as a people are thinking with out all of the fanfare. I am not a professional poller. So don't expect PHD level questions, but please share the poll and ask your friends to participate.

Feel free to leave comments!

Here is the first poll,

Planned Parenthood

In light of recent news concerning Planned Parenthood. What is your opinion about it? Pleas take our poll and share your comments.

Friday, July 3, 2015

Time to end the Seven year slip!

Seven years ago our soon to be first lady made this statement. 2008 - MICHELLE OBAMA, : "Let me tell you something. For the first time in my adult life, I am proud of my country, because it feels like hope is finally making a comeback". 
When I heard the words I cringed. We had come so far as a country. We still had a long way to go, but we were working together. In my opinion the last seven years have been disastrous for us as a nation. We are not united. We are weaker domestically and internationally, We are divided on so many fronts, Wasn't Barack Hussein Obama supposed to be some sort of unifier?
Where has the hope gone. Its been replaced by fear of government and mistrust. Its has replaced a sense of security with fear from with in and with out. It has been replaced from the people making moral decisions and choices, to our governing body telling us what is right and what is wrong. I long for leadership that remembers that this is a republic and they are elected buy us to represent us, not direct us. 
I still have hope for the future, I still love this great country we live in. Tomorrow we celebrate the 4th of July, It is more than a day of independence, take time to reflect on the sacrifices that have been made for you and I, to review the declaration of independence and the constitution. Read and teach them to your children and grand children. 
Those Principles were sound then, they are sound today. May we truly return to of, by, and for the people.
God Bless you all and God Bless America!

Friday, April 3, 2015

Friday, March 20, 2015

Joy Foundation presents "magic on the sidewalk"

Take a step into a creative imaginary world. "Magic on the sidewalk". Each spring artists, youth, families gather for this event, the Joy foundations Chalkart Festival held in Bountiful Utah.

This year the festival will be held May 13 - 15 on Bountiful Utah's main street. It is wonderful event for all walks of life..
One family sent this message to the organizers.
 "We come to the art festival each year to watch the excitement in our children's eyes. Seeing them as their imaginations open to worlds unknown and to possibilities for their future. I'll never forget the the first time we came and one of our kids said, I stand here on this street and feel like I am in a storybook. I didn't know there were places like this."   

Artists from around the western United States participate in the wonderful program. sharing their talents an abilities. But you don't have to be a professional to participate. Anyone with the time and energy (and willing to put your knees and back into it) can participate in this exciting event. You can contact the Joy Foundation for information on how you can express yourself. It's interesting that individuals would spend so much time to put their talents down on a piece of concrete that will ultimately be washed away with the first rain storm that come along. Of course you don't have to draw something with chalk to enjoy this event.

The Joy foundation is running a kickstarter Campaign and would appreciate any support you can give. 

You can also show your support by purchasing an event tee shirt. all proceeds go directly to the Joy foundation which is a 501c3 organization. heres the link for the Tee shirt  Magic on the sidewalk

One artist put this into perspective for us.  

 "I come to the chalk art festival to create a momentary expression. It doesn't bother me that my art may only last for the weekend or maybe less if we have rain. What is important is that I have given a momentary glimps into my emotion and the way I see the world, and perhaps inspired someone else along the way."

So come one come all, let your imaginations run wild even if its just for a few short hours.


Thursday, March 12, 2015

This one deserves a look!

Support this Kickstarter for the Joy Foundation, click the K in the corner of the video to take you to the support page.

Friday, February 27, 2015