Friday, July 4, 2014

Patriots Dreams - American Restoration

"When in the course of human events" Each of us need to reflect upon these words. It is incumbent on each American, to read and understand what the declaration of Independence means, what it meant then and what it means today. To teach the principles to our children and our children's, children. Whether you were born here, or legally immigrated here. Please take time to pass on this document as well as our wonderful constitution.
For those that have come into our country illegally, please do the right thing. Take the steps, whatever they may be to do things right.
To the enemies of our country and constitution, whether you be foreign or domestic, whether you are in the open or may even hide behind being an elected official. Know this we will not let you destroy our country! We the Patriots of America will stand individually and together to fight any foe, on every battlefield, with principle, truth, with words and if necessary with our very lives.

As for me.
"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands. One nation under God indivisible, with liberty and justice for all".

May God Bless you, and may God bless the United States of America.

Have a wonderful Independence day!
